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Just TWO Weeks Left!

Community Centric Fundraising Philanthropy

Hey BrightSpark Community,

We’re nearly there! We have two weeks left in our Bloom Together fundraiser and we are SO close to hitting our goal! When you and your network donate today, your impact will be doubled thanks to a $15,000 match! Click the donate button below and help us cross the finish line!

If you have already donated, THANK YOU! Help us finish strong by letting your friends, family, and colleagues know they can support BrightSpark with a donation TODAY! Together we’re ensuring every child has access to high-quality, early learning opportunities.

Donate Now!

Last Chance to Spread the Word!

1. Share our social media posts on the following platforms by clicking on each icon

2. Add our Bloom Together fundraising link to your outgoing communications to help increase our reach and spread the word.

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There’s More than One Way to Give!

BrightSpark accepts donations in many forms: cash, credit cards, fund transfers, checks, money orders, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, donor-advised funds, and more! If you have any questions or would like more information on ways to give, please get in touch with our fund development department at