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Combined Handbook Templates


Buy both and save! These easy-to-use templates will help you create a custom handbooks that meet the specific needs of your child care program, as well as basic licensing guidelines.

SKU: lic-comb Category:


Buy both and save! 

Family Handbooks and Policies & Procedures Handbooks are a key piece of running a successful child care program (and they are required in the WACs). BrightSpark has created these easy-to-use templates for creating a custom handbook that meets the specific needs of your child care program. This template includes instructions on how to use the documents, and has been reviewed by the Department of Early Learning to ensure your handbooks meet basic licensing guidelines. After your purchase, you can access this template from your account.

Disclaimer: These templates are provided as an example only. They are intended to be a source of information and not an opinion or legal advice regarding any specific situation or policy. Licensing requirements and labor laws are constantly changing. Different laws and procedures may apply in different circumstances. You should always consult with your licensor to comply with all local and state laws and requirements.